The life story of...

"The life story of..."  
By Carla, Martina, Alina, Laura and Nara

If I were this girl, I would run until the end of the tunnel to go to another dimension. I would feel excited and frightened. My next decission would be to try to pass across the proofs before going to the new dimension called Âlcälamåná. I would hope to arrive alive to Âlcälamåná, because I would want to save my brother Eros.
The first proof is the most difficult to me. I would be very worried because only true descendants of citizens can go across. My mother is one of them, but my father not.
No matter what, I would make all the possible to save my brother.

"The life story of Joker"  
By Erik and Aitor

If I were this boy I would do something to scape, and I would feel very frightenened.
I would have arrived hear because Batman was chasing me.
My next decission would be to leave from there and go to my base.
My hope would be that the penguin came for me.

"The life story of..." 
By Aleix, Isaac and Xavi

If I were this girl , I would go to the end of the tunnel. I would feel afraid, frightened ,intrigued and curious by what can be there.
I would have arrived here because someone had kidnapped me and left me there. 
My next decission would be to run to the opposite side of the tunnel. 
My hope would be that nobody would be in the red light and that I would arrive to my house.
Safe and sound: It means "not hurt or damaged".

"The life story of..." 
By Mark and Mujtaba

If I were this girl would I return where I came from
I would have arrived here because I have been followed by someone and I would run away
My next decision would be to call someone like the police.
My hope would be that I've been founded by someone that rescues me and makes me be safe


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