The life story of a shell by Mounir

The life story of a shell

I come from an old country near the Atlantic Ocean. First, I’m going to tell you which my country is. I come from Atlantis Siparusius. That’s a very big country.
It has the newest technology. For example, you can teletransport to the place you want. I’m very friendly because when I was in Atlantis Siparusius all the
people were my friends and they were very good with me. I’m also funny and smart. When I was with my friends, I told them many jokes. I travelled until here
by plane because a child picked me up from the beach. In addition, he put me on his suitcase. When we arrived home I ran to the exit, but I couldn’t open the door. Then, I slept there. Third, the next day a woman carried me to a place where there were many children. Many children touched me. I see people very big. Finally, I would like to speak Spanish and Catalan.



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