
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2020

Dialogues gathered by Eva and Estela

In this project we have made an invented dialogue and we have uploaded it on SoundCloud. In the dialogue we have interpreted different characters. In our opinion this activity was good because we were free to choose the thematic of the dialogue. We have also had enough time to finish it. We think that the group work has been very good because we all get along great and it came out very well. Audio Jan e Isaac Audio Eva y Estela Audio Marta y Anderson Audio Dani y Aaron Romero Audio Zuleima y Sergio Audio Sheyla y nora

Dialogues from the class 3E

DIALOGUES: The activitie that we did was about writing a dialogue in pairs or groups of three people. First, we studied the sentences indicating the stress word and the intonation of the phrase; then, we practised our pronunciation and we recorded our own dialogue the best we could. The different groups made different dialogues. https://soundcloud.com/ariadna-martin-647720496/visiting-a-friend-for-a-school this dialogue is from: Ariadna Martin, Eric Coloma and Pol Alvarez This audio is from Yousad and Alejandro This audio is from Rafael de los Santos and Marta Marin This audio is from Marc Garcia and Oscar Hernandez